📄️ Architecture
- The current Mithril network relies on a single aggregator. However, the team is working on a more decentralized version, where multiple aggregators will operate within the same Mithril network.
📄️ Mithril aggregator
A Mithril aggregator is a trustless node responsible for coordinating the activities of Mithril signer nodes. It gathers the individual signatures from the signer nodes to generate Mithril multi-signatures along with their corresponding certificates. Additionally, the aggregator is in charge of creating and maintaining the archive for the ledger state snapshot.
📄️ Mithril signer
The Mithril signer is a node that works transparently on top of the stake pool operators' Cardano nodes. It is responsible for independently signing the ledger state.
📄️ Mithril client
The Mithril client node is used to list, show or verify artifacts certified by Mithril certificates: