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Mithril Protocol’s Mainnet Beta Launch

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Update 2023/07/30: The first certificates and snapshots have been produced by the release-mainnet network!

Update 2023/07/25: The Genesis certificate of the release-mainnet network has been successfully created.

Mithril Protocol’s Mainnet Beta is launched 🚀

The Mithril team is thrilled to announce that the Mithril Protocol’s Mainnet Beta is launched 🎉

Here are the next steps that we will follow in order to get the release-mainnet network producing its first certificates:

  1. Open the first signers registrations on the release-mainnet network (1 epoch).
  2. Create the genesis certificate of the release-mainnet network (1 epoch).
  3. Wait for the first certificates to be produced by the release-mainnet network.

This is an expected timeline, in case of modification, we will amend this post with a new one.

Also, the documentation has been updated with the configuration of the release-mainnet network. It is available here.


As a Cardano SPO, before being able to setup a Mithril signer on the mainnet, it is required to complete the step 2 of the SPO onboarding guide

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.