use async_trait::async_trait;
use mithril_common::StdResult;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use mithril_common::entities::{Epoch, PartyId, Signer, SignerWithStake};
/// Store and get signers verification keys for given epoch.
/// Important note: This store works on the **recording** epoch, the epoch at which the signers
/// are signed into a certificate so they can sign single signatures at the next epoch.
#[cfg_attr(test, mockall::automock)]
pub trait VerificationKeyStorer: Sync + Send {
/// Save the verification key, for the given [Signer] for the given [Epoch], returns the
/// previous values if one already existed.
async fn save_verification_key(
epoch: Epoch,
signer: SignerWithStake,
) -> StdResult<Option<SignerWithStake>>;
/// Returns a HashMap of [Signer] indexed by [PartyId] for the given `epoch`.
async fn get_verification_keys(
epoch: Epoch,
) -> StdResult<Option<HashMap<PartyId, Signer>>>;
/// Returns the list of signers for the given `epoch`.
async fn get_signers(&self, epoch: Epoch) -> StdResult<Option<Vec<SignerWithStake>>>;
/// Prune all verification keys that are at or below the given epoch.
async fn prune_verification_keys(&self, max_epoch_to_prune: Epoch) -> StdResult<()>;