1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
use crate::stm::Stake;
#[cfg(any(feature = "num-integer-backend", target_family = "wasm", windows))]
use {
num_bigint::{BigInt, Sign},
num_traits::{One, Signed},
#[cfg(any(feature = "num-integer-backend", target_family = "wasm", windows))]
/// Checks that ev is successful in the lottery. In particular, it compares the output of `phi`
/// (a real) to the output of `ev` (a hash). It uses the same technique used in the
/// [Cardano ledger]( In particular,
/// `ev` is a natural in `[0,2^512]`, while `phi` is a floating point in `[0, 1]`, and so what
/// this check does is verify whether `p < 1 - (1 - phi_f)^w`, with `p = ev / 2^512`.
/// The calculation is done using the following optimization:
/// let `q = 1 / (1 - p)` and `c = ln(1 - phi_f)`
/// then `p < 1 - (1 - phi_f)^w`
/// `<=> 1 / (1 - p) < exp(-w * c)`
/// `<=> q < exp(-w * c)`
/// This can be computed using the taylor expansion. Using error estimation, we can do
/// an early stop, once we know that the result is either above or below. We iterate 1000
/// times. If no conclusive result has been reached, we return false.
/// Note that 1 1 evMax
/// q = ----- = ------------------ = -------------
/// 1 - p 1 - (ev / evMax) (evMax - ev)
/// Used to determine winning lottery tickets.
pub(crate) fn ev_lt_phi(phi_f: f64, ev: [u8; 64], stake: Stake, total_stake: Stake) -> bool {
// If phi_f = 1, then we automatically break with true
if (phi_f - 1.0).abs() < f64::EPSILON {
return true;
let ev_max = BigInt::from(2u8).pow(512);
let ev = BigInt::from_bytes_le(Sign::Plus, &ev);
let q = Ratio::new_raw(ev_max.clone(), ev_max - ev);
let c =
Ratio::from_float((1.0 - phi_f).ln()).expect("Only fails if the float is infinite or NaN.");
let w = Ratio::new_raw(BigInt::from(stake), BigInt::from(total_stake));
let x = (w * c).neg();
// Now we compute a taylor function that breaks when the result is known.
taylor_comparison(1000, q, x)
#[cfg(any(feature = "num-integer-backend", target_family = "wasm", windows))]
/// Checks if cmp < exp(x). Uses error approximation for an early stop. Whenever the value being
/// compared, `cmp`, is smaller (or greater) than the current approximation minus an `error_term`
/// (plus an `error_term` respectively), then we stop approximating. The choice of the `error_term`
/// is specific to our use case, and this function should not be used in other contexts without
/// reconsidering the `error_term`. As a conservative value of the `error_term` we choose
/// `new_x * M`, where `new_x` is the next term of the taylor expansion, and `M` is the largest
/// value of `x` in a reasonable range. Note that `x >= 0`, given that `x = - w * c`, with
/// `0 <= w <= 1` and `c < 0`, as `c` is defined as `c = ln(1.0 - phi_f)` with `phi_f \in (0,1)`.
/// Therefore, a good integral bound is the maximum value that `|ln(1.0 - phi_f)|` can take with
/// `phi_f \in [0, 0.95]` (if we expect to have `phi_f > 0.95` this bound should be extended),
/// which is `3`. Hence, we set `M = 3`.
fn taylor_comparison(bound: usize, cmp: Ratio<BigInt>, x: Ratio<BigInt>) -> bool {
let mut new_x = x.clone();
let mut phi: Ratio<BigInt> = One::one();
let mut divisor: BigInt = One::one();
for _ in 0..bound {
phi += new_x.clone();
divisor += 1;
new_x = (new_x.clone() * x.clone()) / divisor.clone();
let error_term = new_x.clone().abs() * BigInt::from(3); // new_x * M
if cmp > (phi.clone() + error_term.clone()) {
return false;
} else if cmp < phi.clone() - error_term.clone() {
return true;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "num-integer-backend", target_family = "wasm", windows)))]
/// The crate `rug` has sufficient optimizations to not require a taylor approximation with early
/// stop. The difference between the current implementation and the one using the optimization
/// above is around 10% faster. We perform the computations with 117 significant bits of
/// precision, since this is enough to represent the fraction of a single lovelace. We have that
/// 1e6 lovelace equals 1 ada, and there is 45 billion ada in circulation. Meaning there are
/// 4.5e16 lovelace, so 1e-17 is sufficient to represent fractions of the stake distribution. In
/// order to keep the error in the 1e-17 range, we need to carry out the computations with 34
/// decimal digits (in order to represent the 4.5e16 ada without any rounding errors, we need
/// double that precision).
pub(crate) fn ev_lt_phi(phi_f: f64, ev: [u8; 64], stake: Stake, total_stake: Stake) -> bool {
use rug::{integer::Order, ops::Pow, Float};
// If phi_f = 1, then we automatically break with true
if (phi_f - 1.0).abs() < f64::EPSILON {
return true;
let ev = rug::Integer::from_digits(&ev, Order::LsfLe);
let ev_max: Float = Float::with_val(117, 2).pow(512);
let q = ev / ev_max;
let w = Float::with_val(117, stake) / Float::with_val(117, total_stake);
let phi = Float::with_val(117, 1.0) - Float::with_val(117, 1.0 - phi_f).pow(w);
q < phi
mod tests {
use super::*;
use num_bigint::{BigInt, Sign};
use num_rational::Ratio;
use proptest::prelude::*;
// Implementation of `ev_lt_phi` without approximation. We only get the precision of f64 here.
fn simple_ev_lt_phi(phi_f: f64, ev: [u8; 64], stake: Stake, total_stake: Stake) -> bool {
let ev_max = BigInt::from(2u8).pow(512);
let ev = BigInt::from_bytes_le(Sign::Plus, &ev);
let q = Ratio::new_raw(ev, ev_max);
let w = stake as f64 / total_stake as f64;
let phi = Ratio::from_float(1.0 - (1.0 - phi_f).powf(w)).unwrap();
q < phi
proptest! {
/// Checking the ev_lt_phi function.
fn test_precision_approximation(
phi_f in 0.01..0.5f64,
ev_1 in any::<[u8; 32]>(),
ev_2 in any::<[u8; 32]>(),
total_stake in 100_000_000..1_000_000_000u64,
stake in 1_000_000..50_000_000u64
) {
let mut ev = [0u8; 64];
ev.copy_from_slice(&[&ev_1[..], &ev_2[..]].concat());
let quick_result = simple_ev_lt_phi(phi_f, ev, stake, total_stake);
let result = ev_lt_phi(phi_f, ev, stake, total_stake);
assert_eq!(quick_result, result);
#[cfg(any(feature = "num-integer-backend", target_family = "wasm", windows))]
/// Checking the early break of Taylor computation
fn early_break_taylor(
x in -0.9..0.9f64,
) {
let exponential = num_traits::float::Float::exp(x);
let cmp_n = Ratio::from_float(exponential - 2e-10_f64).unwrap();
let cmp_p = Ratio::from_float(exponential + 2e-10_f64).unwrap();
assert!(taylor_comparison(1000, cmp_n, Ratio::from_float(x).unwrap()));
assert!(!taylor_comparison(1000, cmp_p, Ratio::from_float(x).unwrap()));