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Mithril environments are updated

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

The Mithril environments are updated

PR: New hosted environments #561

Issue: Setup new hosted environments for testing-preview, pre-release-preview and release-preprod) with their terraform and GitHub environments #542

On Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 the preview Cardano network will be re-spun and will be unavailable for 48h.

In the mean time, the Mitril team is also implementing a new Release Process that will make use of several new environments.

The Mithril testing environments are thus evolving in this context:

  • The current testing environment that runs on preview network and that most of the Pioneer SPOs are running is deprecated and will be decommissioned just after the preview network re-spin.

  • This environment will then be replaced by a new pre-release-preview environment open to SPOs that are eager to test pre releases of the Mithril nodes.

  • A new release-preprod environment has been launched on the preprod Cardano nework and will become the stable environment on which SPOs are encouraged to run their nodes.

  • ⚠️ The new release-preprod environment is in unstable status, therefore it is subject to re-genesis. We expect it to be in stable status within 1-2 weeks.

In the future, when Mithril reaches mainnet, we assume that the release-preprod will be replaced by a release-mainnet environment. This means that we will have the following environments at this time: testing-preview, pre-release-preprod and release-mainnet.

More information about:

  • The Mithril Networks and their availability here.

  • The Release Process is available in this ADR.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.