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Certification of Cardano transactions

· One min read
Mithril Team

Certification of Cardano transactions​

Update 2024/10/02

We have activated the Cardano transactions certification on the release-mainnet network.

Update 2024/09/25

We have shipped stable support for the Cardano transaction certification with distribution 2437.

A threshold of at least 70% of the stake running version 0.2.182 (within 10 days after the distribution 2437 is released) is mandatory in order to activate the certification of the Cardano transactions on the release-mainnet network.

The Mithril Protocol Insights dashboard displays the adoption rate of the different signer versions on the release-mainnet network.

With the release of the new distribution 2430, we have started to roll-out the certification of the Cardano transactions in the Mithril networks.

The roll-out plan of the feature is the following:

  • Distribution 2430 (before the Chang hardfork):
    • Activation of the certification of Cardano transactions in the pre-release-preview network.
    • Activation of the certification of Cardano transactions in the release-preprod network.
  • Distribution 2437 (after the Chang hardfork):
    • Activation of the certification of Cardano transactions in the release-mainnet network.

For any inquiries or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the team on the Discord channel.