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Mithril client WASM breaking change

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Breaking change introduced in the unstable features of the Mithril client WASM

With the release of the new distribution 2437, we have introduced a breaking change to the Mithril client WASM version 0.4.1: the activation of the unstable features is now done with a configuration option of the client instead of using the special .unstable property of the client.

This means that when a new unstable feature is switched to stable, there will be no breaking change in the developers code using the Mithril client WASM, thus providing a seamless transition and a better developer experience.

Here is the code used to activate the unstable features with the client options:

let client = new MithrilClient(aggregator_endpoint, genesis_verification_key, {
// The following option activates the unstable features of the client.
// Unstable features will trigger an error if this option is not set.
unstable: true,

The previous client.unstable implementation is not supported anymore and must be replaced with client:

// Before
let mithril_stake_distributions_message =
await client.unstable.compute_mithril_stake_distribution_message(
// After
let mithril_stake_distributions_message =
await client.compute_mithril_stake_distribution_message(

The Mithril client WASM documentation is available here.

For any inquiries or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the team on the Discord channel.