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Distribution `2450` is now available

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Distribution 2450 is now available

We have released the 2450.0 distribution, which includes the following:

  • 🔥 BREAKING changes in Mithril client library, CLI, and WASM:
    • Remove deprecated network field from the internal CardanoDbBeacon.
    • The Mithril certificates of type CardanoImmutableFilesFull can't be verified anymore with the previous clients.
    • Clients from distribution 2445 and earlier must be updated.
  • Stable support for Cardano node 10.1.3 in the signer and the aggregator.
  • Stable support for one line shell installation script of the Mithril nodes pre-built binaries.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

This new distribution has been deployed to the Mithril aggregator of the release-mainnet and release-preprod networks.

If you are running a Mithril signer on:

  • the pre-release-preview network: there is nothing to do at the moment.
  • the release-preprod network: you can upgrade the binary of your signer node to the version 0.2.221, no configuration update is needed.
  • the release-mainnet network: you can upgrade the binary of your signer node to the version 0.2.221, no configuration update is needed.

You can easily update your Mithril signer with this one line command (it will be downloaded in the current directory, a custom folder can be specified with -p option):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-signer -d 2450.0 -p $(pwd)

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the team on the Discord channel.