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Distribution `2450` is now available

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Distribution 2450 is now available​

We have released the 2450.0 distribution, which includes the following:

  • 🔥 Breaking changes in the Mithril client library, CLI, and WASM:
    • Removed the deprecated network field from the internal CardanoDbBeacon
    • Mithril certificates of type CardanoImmutableFilesFull cannot be verified with older clients
    • Clients from distribution 2445 and earlier must be updated
  • Stable support for Cardano node v.10.1.3 in the signer and aggregator
  • Stable support for a one-line shell installation script for the Mithril node prebuilt binaries
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

This new distribution has been deployed to the Mithril aggregator of the release-mainnet and release-preprod networks.

If you are running a Mithril signer:

  • pre-release-preview network: no action is required at this time
  • release-preprod network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.221 - no configuration updates are required
  • release-mainnet network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.221 - no configuration updates are required.

You can easily update your Mithril signer with this one-line command (it downloads to the current directory by default; you can specify a custom folder by using the -p option):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-signer -d 2450.0 -p $(pwd)

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the team on the Discord channel.