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3 posts tagged with "distribution"

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Ending support for macOS x64 pre-built binaries

· One min read
Mithril Team

Ending support for macOS x64 pre-built binaries

Since 2020, macOS has transitioned from Intel (x64 architecture) to Apple Silicon (arm64 architecture) processors.

Additionally, Cardano node version 10+ now supports only Apple Silicon on macOSX.

As a result, the Mithril team will end support for macOS x64 pre-built binaries for the client CLI starting March 2025.

From this date, CI will no longer build these binaries for GitHub releases. If you are still using macOS x64, you will need to build the binaries from source.

For any inquiries or assistance, contact the team on the Discord channel.

Distribution `2506` is now available

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Distribution 2506 is now available

  • This distribution embeds a fix for the Mithril certificate chain could be manipulated by an adversarial signer security advisory GHSA-724h-fpm5-4qvr
  • All users running a client library, client CLI, or client WASM are strongly encouraged to update to the latest versions.

We have released the 2506.0 distribution, which includes the following:

  • Support for certifying protocol parameters and epochs in the certificate chain in clients
  • Stable support for Cardano node v.10.1.4 in the signer and aggregator
  • Removal of support for the Thales era in the signer and aggregator
  • Stable support for aggregator HTTP response compression in the signer, aggregator, and clients
  • Building and publication of both a stable version (for release networks) and an unstable version (for testing networks) of the explorer.

This new distribution has been deployed to the Mithril aggregator of the release-mainnet and release-preprod networks.

If you are running a Mithril signer:

  • pre-release-preview network: no action is required at this time
  • release-preprod network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.228 – no configuration updates are required
  • release-mainnet network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.228 – no configuration updates are required.

You can easily update the Mithril signer with this one-line command. It downloads to the current directory by default, but a custom folder can be specified using the -p option:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-signer -d 2506.0 -p $(pwd)

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the team on the Discord channel.

Distribution `2450` is now available

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Distribution 2450 is now available

We have released the 2450.0 distribution, which includes the following:

  • 🔥 Breaking changes in the Mithril client library, CLI, and WASM:
    • Removed the deprecated network field from the internal CardanoDbBeacon
    • Mithril certificates of type CardanoImmutableFilesFull cannot be verified with older clients
    • Clients from distribution 2445 and earlier must be updated
  • Stable support for Cardano node v.10.1.3 in the signer and aggregator
  • Stable support for a one-line shell installation script for the Mithril node prebuilt binaries
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

This new distribution has been deployed to the Mithril aggregator of the release-mainnet and release-preprod networks.

If you are running a Mithril signer:

  • pre-release-preview network: no action is required at this time
  • release-preprod network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.221 - no configuration updates are required
  • release-mainnet network: upgrade your signer node binary to version 0.2.221 - no configuration updates are required.

You can easily update your Mithril signer with this one-line command (it downloads to the current directory by default; you can specify a custom folder by using the -p option):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-signer -d 2450.0 -p $(pwd)

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the team on the Discord channel.