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2 posts tagged with "testing"

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Decommissioning the `testing‑sanchonet` network

· One min read
Mithril Team

Announcing the decommissioning of the testing‑sanchonet network​

The testing-sanchonet Mithril network was introduced a year ago to allow the community to test experimental features and provide feedback to the Mithril team. In particular, it has been a valuable tool for testing the transition to the Conway era.

The Mithril team sincerely appreciates the Mithril pioneer stake pool operators for participating in testing and providing valuable feedback!

The Cardano SanchoNet network is now being sunset, having served its purpose of introducing governance features from CIP-1694 in a controlled testnet environment.

In this context, the Mithril team has decided to decommission the testing-sanchonet network:

  • the aggregator will be terminated by February 21, 2025
  • the network will be removed from the Mithril explorer
  • the repository code will be cleaned up.

If you are running a Mithril signer on this network, you can safely terminate your node and remove the testing-sanchonet configuration from your setup.

Available Mithril networks are listed on the Network configurations page of the documentation website.

For any inquiries or assistance, contact the team on the Discord channel.

Mithril SanchoNet network released

· One min read
Mithril Team

The release of the Mithril SanchoNet testing network​

The Mithril team has released the new testing-sanchonet Mithril network.

Mithril pioneer stake pool operators (SPOs) are welcome to run a Mithril signer on this network, with configuration parameters available here.

It's important to note that this network will serve as the primary platform for experimenting with unstable features of the Mithril networks in the future, such as the Cardano transactions set signatures or peer-to-peer (P2P) networking.

The unstable features are consistently developed and deployed to the SanchoNet testing network directly from the main branch of the Mithril repository. Therefore, Mithril nodes operating on this network must be either built from the main branch or use pre-built binaries from the unstable release. Failure to update Mithril nodes to the latest unstable version or encountering a bug during development could result in operational disruptions.

Note that the testing-sanchonet network undergoes continuous monitoring, and its availability status is reported on this status page.

For any inquiries or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the team on the Discord channel.