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Certificate chain design


The certificate chain is a Mithril component that certifies the stake distribution used to create the multi-signature. Its primary purpose is to prevent adversaries from executing an eclipse attack on the blockchain.

Without the certificate, the stake distribution can't be trusted. A malicious actor could relatively easily create a fake stake distribution and use it to produce a valid multi-signature, which would be embedded in a valid but non-genuine certificate. This certificate could be served by a dishonest Mithril aggregator node, leading an honest Mithril client to restore a non-genuine snapshot.

The certificate chain design


The stake distribution of an epoch is computed by Cardano nodes at the end of each epoch. It becomes usable from the beginning of the following epoch.

The way to certify the stake distribution used to create a multi-signature is by verifying that it has been previously signed in an earlier certificate. Then, one can recursively verify that the earlier certificate is valid in the same manner. This process can be structured as a chain of certificates, known as the Mithril certificate chain. The first certificate in the chain is discussed below.

Since multiple certificates can be created during the same epoch using the same stake distribution, it is not necessary to link to all of them for verification. Instead, it is sufficient to link to only one certificate from the previous epoch. By doing so, the verification process becomes faster and helps avoid network congestion.

The first certificate in the certificate chain is known as the genesis certificate. Validating the stake distribution embedded in the genesis certificate is only possible by signing it with a private key linked to a widely accessible public key called the genesis key. The use of these specific keys ensures the integrity and security of the initial stake distribution and subsequent transitions within the blockchain network.

The diagram below presents the certificate chain design: Certificate Chain Design

Where the following notations have been used:

  • C(p,n): Certificate at trigger p and epoch n
  • FC(n): First certificate of epoch n
  • GC: Genesis certificate
  • H(): Hash
  • SD(n): Stake distribution of epoch n
  • VK(n): Verification key at epoch n
  • AVK(n): Aggregrate verification key at epoch n such as AVK(n) = MKT_ROOT(SD(n) || VK(n))
  • MKT_ROOT(): Merkle-tree root
  • PPARAMS(n): Protocol parameters at epoch n
  • EPOCH(n): Epoch n
  • BEACON(p,n): Beacon at trigger p and epoch n (includes EPOCH(n))
  • METADATA(p,n): Metadata of the certificate at trigger p and epoch n
  • MSG(p,n): Message of the certificate at trigger p and epoch n
  • MULTI_SIG(p,n): Multi-signature created to the message H(MSG(p,n) || AVK(n-1))
  • GENESIS_SIG(MSG): Genesis signature, the signature of MSG with the genesis keys

The hash of a certificate H(C(p,n)) is computed as the concatenation (||) of all its fields. Therefore, if one field is modified, its hash is different.

Information embedded in the METADATA(p,n) field:

  • The version of the Mithril protocol
  • The parameters of the Mithril protocol (k, m, and phi_f)
  • The date and time at which the multi-signature creation was initiated
  • The date and time at which the certificate was sealed
  • The list of the signers that actively contributed to the multi-signature.

The message MSG(p,n) is a map of multiple values associated with their respective keys. It provides a way to add more information to the certificates without breaking the chain itself. Added items can be any message that the signers can compute deterministically thanks to the Cardano consensus – an immutable files snapshot, the UTXO set, stake distribution, etc.


The trigger represents the instant at which a certificate should be created. It is combined with at least the associated epoch to create a beacon of the certificate. In the current implementation of the Cardano node database snapshot, this trigger is a new immutable file number.


The aggregate verification key (AVK) is the root of the Merkle tree where each leaf is filled with H(STAKE(signer) || VK(signer)). It represents the corresponding stake distribution in a condensed way.

The verification algorithm

Certificate chain verification can be stated as:

CHAIN_VERIFY[C(p,n(p))] = CERT_VERIFY[C(p,n(p)] ^ CERT_VERIFY[FC(n(p))] ^ CERT_VERIFY[FC(n(p)-1)] ^ ... ^ CERT_VERIFY[FC(1)] ^ CERT_VERIFY[GC]

Where the following notations have been used:

  • The epoch n(p) depends on the trigger p
  • CHAIN_VERIFY[]: verify all the chain backward from a certificate
  • CERT_VERIFY[]: verify a specific certificate.

A certificate chain is considered valid when there is at least one valid certificate per epoch, starting from a certificate and going all the way up to the genesis certificate of the chain.

A non-genesis certificate is valid if and only if the AVK used to verify the multi-signature is also part of the signed message used to create a valid multi-signature in a previously sealed certificate.

The genesis certificate is valid if and only if its genesis signature is verified with the advertised public genesis key.

An implementation of the algorithm would work as follows for a certificate:

  • Step 1: Use this certificate as the current_certificate
  • Step 2: Verify (or fail) that the current_hash of the current_certificate is valid by computing it and comparing it with the hash field of the certificate
  • Step 3: Get the previous_hash of the previous_certificate by reading its value in the current_certificate
  • Step 4: Verify (or fail) that the multi_signature of the current_certificate is valid
  • Step 5: Verify (or fail) that the current_epoch of the current_certificate is part of the message signed by the multi-signature of the current_certificate
  • Step 6: Retrieve the previous_certificate that has the hash previous_hash:
    • Step 6.1: If it is not a genesis_certificate:
      • Step 6.1.1: Verify (or fail) that the previous_hash of the previous_certificate is valid by computing it and comparing it with the hash field of the certificate:
      • Step 6.1.2: Verify the current_avk:
        • Step If the current_certificate is the first_certificate of the epoch
          • Step Verify (or fail) that the current_avk of the current_certificate is part of the message signed by the multi-signature of the previous_certificate
          • Step Verify (or fail) that the current_protocol_parameters of the current_certificate is part of the message signed by the multi-signature of the previous_certificate
        • Step Else verify (or fail) that the current_avk of the current_certificate is the same as the current_avk of the previous_certificate
      • Step 6.1.3: Verify (or fail) that the multi_signature of the previous_certificate is valid
      • Step 6.1.4: Use the previous_certificate as current_certificate and start again at Step 2
    • Step 6.2: If it is a genesis_certificate:
      • Step 6.2.1: Verify (or fail) that the previous_hash of the previous_certificate is valid by computing it and comparing it with the hash field of the certificate
      • Step 6.2.2: Verify (or fail) that the current_epoch of the previous_certificate is part of the message signed by the genesis_certificate of the previous_certificate
      • Step 6.2.3: Verify (or fail) that the current_avk of the current_certificate is part of the message signed by the genesis signature of the previous_certificate
      • Step 6.2.4: Verify (or fail) that the current_protocol_parameters of the current_certificate is part of the message signed by the genesis signature of the previous_certificate
      • Step 6.2.5: The certificate is valid (success).

The coexistence of multiple certificate chains

What would happen if some Mithril aggregator claims that not enough signatures were received? This doesn’t really matter, as there will be a different Mithril aggregator that would collect sufficient signatures and aggregate them into a valid certificate.

Similarly, different Mithril aggregators might have different views of the individual signatures submitted (one aggregator might receive 10 signatures, and a different one could receive 11), which would result in different certificates signing the same message.

This would result in different certificate chains that would all link back to the genesis certificate. Indeed they would be represented by a tree of certificates where each traversal path from the root to a leaf represents a valid certificate chain.

The need for backward compatibility

The certificate chain is designed to last. At a certain point, a multi-signature from legacy versions of the Mithril cryptographic library will require certification.

To achieve this backward compatibility, some options are available:

  • Handle multi-signature verification functions of legacy versions
  • Recreate genesis certificates from time to time
  • Create intermediate milestone certificates (with both a multi-signature and a genesis signature)
  • Design a format migration algorithm.