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Mithril client has got a brand new interface

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Mithril client interface is evolving

For the last few months, we have implemented the capability for the Mithril protocol to sign multiple types of data: on top of the already existing Cardano node database snapshots, the Mithril stake distribution is now also signed on its own. In order to make the client able to work on the different types of data that are certified, we have changed its command line API. For example:

$> ./mithril-client list

This command was previously used to list Cardano node snapshots. It has been abandoned in favor of a more explicit syntax:

$> ./mithril-client snapshot list

Furthermore, the old version had two different subcommands to 1. download and 2. verify a snapshot. These 2 commands have now be merged into one single download command:

$> ./mithril-client snapshot download  5109c1eaa6619bc…

This organization of the client opens the use of a new mithril-stake-distribution sub-command:

$> ./mithril-client mithril-stake-distribution list

Which can be aliased into a handy

$> ./mithril-client msd list

As for the Cardano snapshots, it is possible to download and verify the stake distribution involved in Mithril multi-signatures as a JSON file:

$> ./mithril-client msd download 713e2803e998f…

If the file certification can be verified, it is saved on the disk.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Mithril Era Switch

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Update 2023/03/10: The Era Switch behavior has been activated on the release-preprod network.

Update 2023/03/08: The Era Switch behavior has been activated on the pre-release-preview network.

An new Era Switch behavior will be introduced soon to the Mithril networks

Epic: Implement eras behavior switch #707](Implement eras behavior switch #707

⚠️ The Era Switch is not deployed yet to the pre-release-preview and release-preprod network. A special announcement will be made on the ask-mithril Discord channel when a new release candidate distribution is ready.

In order to guarantee that any breaking change of the Mithril nodes does not break the Certificate Chain and the that new snapshots are consistently produced, the Mithril team has developped an Era Switch Behavior. This mechanism enables to embed new features in the signer and aggregator nodes prior ro releasing them. Also the activation of these new features will take place in a coordinated manner: all the eligible nodes will hot switch to a new era at the same Cardano epoch transition. To do so, the nodes rely on a transaction that is stored on the Cardano chain that provides era markers with the associated activations epochs for the eras.

🔥 Activating this feature will require an update of configuration of the signer nodes after updating their binary:

  • The ERA_READER_ADAPTER_TYPE env var must be set to cardano-chain
  • The ERA_READER_ADAPTER_PARAMS env var must be set to the result of the command jq -nc --arg address $(wget -q -O - **YOUR_ERA_READER_ADDRESS**) --arg verification_key $(wget -q -O - **YOUR_ERA_READER_VERIFICATION_KEY**) '{"address": $address, "verification_key": $verification_key}' (the YOUR_ERA_READER_ADDRESS and YOUR_ERA_READER_VERIFICATION_KEY are values provided in the networks configuration matrix)

Here is the configuration values that should be used on pre-release-preview:


Here is the configuration values that should be used on release-preprod:


All these information will be available at the updated Run a Mithril Signer node (SPO) guide.

Here is a schema that illustrates the era switch behavior: Era Switch Schema

More information is also available at this ADR.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Mithril Release Process

· 4 min read
Mithril Team

Mithril follows a defined release process

As the Mithril project grew and more and more SPOs became involved in testing Mithril, it became obvious we need clearer identification of artifacts running on various parts of the network. Moreover, on our road towards mainnet availability we'll need to strengthen our testing process in order to validate Mithril network on more realistic environments.

Release Process

We want our release process to follow some basic principles:

  • Continuous Integration: New code is integrated into the main codeline frequently which triggers automated build and test process.
  • Continuous Deployment: New artifacts produced by the build process are continuously deployed to a suitable environment where it can be used and tested by an increasing number of parties.
  • Deployment Pipeline: The deployment process is embodied in a pipeline that describes and implements all the necessary steps to release a new version of Mithril.
  • Artifact Promotion: An artifact is built once and only once and is promoted while travelling through the build pipeline.

Here is a high-level picture of this process:

Release Process

  • We will use a custom version based on SemVer for all the crates, binaries and containers of the repository and for the GitHub release.
  • We release a new distribution every 2 weeks (this duration is subject to changes as the project matures)
    • The released version is named after the year and its week number: YYWW.patch (e.g. 2250.0).
    • In case of critical regressions happening in production, a patch version will be released in between "official" releases as a hotfix.
  • A new version YYWW.0 will have the following life cycle:
    • A commit abc123 merged on main branch is deployed on the network named testing-preview.
    • A commit def456 tagged with YYWW.0-prerelease is deployed on the network named pre-release-preview.
    • A GitHub release YYWW.0-prerelease is created and linked with the YYWW.0-prerelease tag and marked as pre-release.
    • A tag YYWW.0-prerelease is qualified and selected for release or rejected (and replaced by a YYWW.1-prerelease tag if necessary on a fed789).
    • If the tag YYWW.0-prerelease is selected, a new tag is created and name YYWW.0 on the same commit def456.
    • A GitHub release YYWW.0 is created and linked to the YYWW.0 tag and marked as release.
    • The commit def456 with tag YYWW.0 is deployed to the network named release-preprod.
  • The Cargo.toml versions of the crates are updated (if required) just before creating the YYWW.0-prerelease tag .
  • The documentation website is also updated at the same time where the next version becomes the current version, leaving future updates be appended to the next version during the upcoming developments.
  • In order to simplify the life of Mithril users, we have introduced a version of the Mithril API used between client/signer and aggregators to check if the nodes are able to communicate together (following semver and considering the versions are compatible only if they share the same minor).
  • Our main distribution artifact is currently docker (OCI) images. We also provide more packages, eg. .deb packages or compiled binaries (some of them available on multiple platforms, e.g. Windows or macOS) to simplify users' life.
  • We also publish some of our crates on the registry whenever a new version is created (e.g. mithril-stm).


  • We maintain different Mithril networks (eg. servers, VMs, configurations...) to which artifacts are deployed at various stages of the process:
    • testing-preview: This is an internal environment based on the preview cardano testnet where most of the automated tests happen. It is also used to test features as soon as they are merged on the main branch.
    • pre-release-preview: This is a persistent environment based on the preview cardano testnet. SPOs which are active on preview are welcomed to take part in the Mithril signing process and to test new pre-release distributions deployed there.
    • release-preprod: Another persistent environment, based on the preprod cardano testnet, where more SPOs are expected to join and test, updated less frequently (on actual release distributions).
    • (LATER) mainnet: Production environment where new releases are deployed once qualifed on release-preprod.

Further Reading

Mithril environments are updated

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

The Mithril environments are updated

PR: New hosted environments #561

Issue: Setup new hosted environments for testing-preview, pre-release-preview and release-preprod) with their terraform and GitHub environments #542

On Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 the preview Cardano network will be re-spun and will be unavailable for 48h.

In the mean time, the Mitril team is also implementing a new Release Process that will make use of several new environments.

The Mithril testing environments are thus evolving in this context:

  • The current testing environment that runs on preview network and that most of the Pioneer SPOs are running is deprecated and will be decommissioned just after the preview network re-spin.

  • This environment will then be replaced by a new pre-release-preview environment open to SPOs that are eager to test pre releases of the Mithril nodes.

  • A new release-preprod environment has been launched on the preprod Cardano nework and will become the stable environment on which SPOs are encouraged to run their nodes.

  • ⚠️ The new release-preprod environment is in unstable status, therefore it is subject to re-genesis. We expect it to be in stable status within 1-2 weeks.

In the future, when Mithril reaches mainnet, we assume that the release-preprod will be replaced by a release-mainnet environment. This means that we will have the following environments at this time: testing-preview, pre-release-preprod and release-mainnet.

More information about:

  • The Mithril Networks and their availability here.

  • The Release Process is available in this ADR.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Mithril Keys Certification

· 3 min read
Mithril Team

Update 2022/12/19: The signer registration with declarative PoolId has been decommissioned.

Update 2022/11/30: The signer registration with declarative PoolId has been deprecated and the certified PoolId is now the stable mode.

The way the Mithril nodes handle the Certification of the SPOs is evolving

PR: New STM registration procedure #433

Issues: Implement Certification of the Mithril Verification Keys in Signer/Aggregator #455

We have released a new Mithril Signer Verification Keys Certification mechanism:

  • Mithril Signer nodes running the previous version are still able to interact with the network without any further intervention
  • Mithril Signer nodes that are updated from a previous version must migrate some of their stores
  • This mechanism is experimental and can be activated on demand by the SPOs

Upgrade a Mithril Signer running a previous version

The SPOs need to recompile their Signer node (as in this guide).

The data stores of the node need to be updated by running the following command:

# The path to your data stores directory, which defaults to:

# Run this command to upgrade your stores:
sqlite3 ${DATA_STORES_DIRECTORY}/signer.sqlite3 "UPDATE protocol_initializer SET value = json_object('stm_initializer', json(value), 'kes_signature', null) WHERE json_extract(value, '$.stm_initializer') IS NULL;"

⚠️ If you don't update your data stores with this procedure, your node will not be able to register to the Aggregator temporarily. It should then take up to 3 epochs before it is able to successfully register its individual signatures with the Aggregator.

Hybrid Certification mode in the Mithril network

From now, SPOs can either run their node by:

  • Declaring their Cardano PoolId:

    • This is the mode that all nodes were running prior to this release
    • This mode is still the stable mode
    • We intend to deprecate this mode in the near future
  • Certifying their Cardano PoolId:

    • The certification is done by providing the Mithril Signer node with KES Secret Key Path and Operational Certificate Path
    • This is an experimental mode
    • We intend to make this mode the only way of providing a PoolId in the near future
    • These PoolIds will be marked with a Verified Signer green badge in the Mithril Explorer (2 epochs after activating the Certification mode)

The setup of a Mithril Signer node with these two modes is available in this guide.

Here is an example of the Verified Signer badge displayed in the Certificate details popin: Verified Signer Badge

How Keys Certification works

We rely on the Cardano KES Keys and Operational Certificate to be able to:

  • Compute automatically the PoolId from a valid Operational Certificate
  • Sign the Mithril Signer Verification Key with the KES Secret Key
  • Verify that the Mithril Signer Verification Key is associated to the owner of the pool

Keys Certification Schema

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Mithril internal stores switch to SQLite.

· 4 min read
Mithril Team

What is that?

Since almost the beginning of the Mithril project, the software used to rely on a store mechanism to save its different states allowing Signers and Aggregators to resume on correct state when switched on and off. This internal store mechanism used to be a bunch of JSON files saved in a given directory. Even though this does the job it still presents flaws: data are hard to query when debugging especially when crossing data (which signers have participated in this multi-signature?). Also, data are stored in different places which can be a problem when moving these files from one place to another. We also had to imagine what would be a migration scenario in case of a structure change. Switching to a file based SQL database solves these issues.

The new release now uses SQLite stores in place of JSON file storage. This means that to continue running a Signer or an Aggregator node it is necessary to migrate from the old storage system to SQLite. This release comes with a tool to perform the migration which should be as straightforward as launching a command line (read below). The migration tool will be available only for a limited time in order to make Mithril beta testers able to migrate their existing data.

How to migrate data from old storage system to SQLite stores?

There are 2 ways of getting the new version and the associated migration tool. Either downloading binaries from GitHub or compiling them yourself.


Download the new mithril-signer and mithril-signer-migrate files from the nightly builds page. Make them executable:

$> chmod +x mithril-signer*
$> ls -1F mithril-signer*

note: the suffix * appended to the the entries output above indicates the file is executable. If it is not present, ensure the chmod command does not produce any error.


If you used to compile your node as stated in the guide, you have to compile the migration tool as well:

$> cd mithril-signer
$> cargo build --all-targets --release
Compiling mithril-signer v0.1.0 (/home/somebody/shared/mithril/mithril-signer)
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 4.56s
$> ls -1F ../target/release/mithril-signer*

Running the migration

The first step is to stop the running Mithril node if any. The mithril-signer-migrate executable can perform the migration automatically once you know where your actual JSON files are located. Have a look in your configuration file (default /opt/mithril/mithril-signer.env), check the value associated with the DATA_STORES_DIRECTORY key (default to /opt/mithril/stores) and copy the path indicated here. Copy this path after the --db-dir option on the following command line:

$> ./mithril-signer-migrate automatic --db-dir /paste/the/data/stores/directory/here
Mithril Aggregator JSON → SQLite migration tool.
Migrating protocol_initializer_store data…
OK ✓
Migrating stake_store data…
OK ✓

At the end of this command, a file signer.sqlite3 (or aggregator.sqlite3 if you run an Aggregator) should be present in the specified base directory.

That should be enough, launch your upgraded mithril node.

Note: The migration executable does not remove the old JSON files from the disk.

Manual migration process

The executable also provides a manual switch for migrating Mithril JSON store directories placed in custom directories. This is mainly intended for developers who work on tweaked environments. Each internal store has its own data structure. In order to correctly migrate and process data, the type of the store has to be given on the command line.

$> ./mithril-signer-migrate manual --help

The command above should give you all informations needed to run a custom store migration.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Stake Distribution retrieval fixed

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Update: The Stake Distribution computation is evolving with the release of Cardano node 8.0.0: the computation now relies on the new cardano-cli query stake-snapshot --all-stake-pools command that retrieves the Stake Distribution all at once and that is way faster. Prior versions of the Cardano node 1.35+ are backward compatible and will keep implementing the algorithm detailed below.

The way the Mithril nodes retrieve the Stake Distribution is changing

PR: Fix Stake Distribution retrieval #499

Issue: Stake distribution discrepancy #497

We have noticed that the way the Mithril nodes computed the Stake Distribution was erroneous: the epoch that was used to make the computation was the current epoch instead of the previous epoch. This has lead to some de-synchronization between the Signers and the hosted GCP Aggregator for a few epochs.

Indeed, the Stake Distribution retrieved from the Cardano node depended on the time at which it was done: the nodes where having differents values that prevented them from being able to work together to produce valid multi-signatures. The problem is related to the epoch that is used (current epoch) to make the computation of the Stake Distribution when the cardano-cli query stake-distribution command is ran, whereas the Mithril protocol needs to work with the previous epoch.

A workaround is being implemented in this fix that will compute differently the Stake Distribution to target the previous epoch. To do so, the Stake value that is now retrieved sequentially for each pool available in the cardano-cli query stake-distribution by using the command cardano-cli query stake-snapshot --stake-pool-id **pool-id*. This guarantees that the Stake Distribution is computed deterministically on all nodes of the Mithril Network.

We will continue our efforts to enhance the way the Stake Distribution is retrieved in the future, and so that it works smoothly on the mainnet (where the numbers of pools is bigger ~3,000 vs ~100 on the preview network).

The SPOs need to recompile their Signer node in order to compute correctly the Stake Distributions on their node (as in this guide). It should then take up to 2 epochs before they are able to successfully register their individual signatures with the Aggregator.

More information about the Certificate Chain and the epochs retrieval requirements is available here.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Signers list computation in Certificates

· One min read
Mithril Team

The way the Signers list is computed inside a Certificate on the Mithril Aggregator is changing

PR: Implement filtered Signers in Certificate #494

Issue: Record 'contributing' Signers only in Certificate #495

Before this change, the list of Signers displayed in the Certificate detail of the Mithril Explorer was the list of all eligible Signers of the epoch used for signing (those who have successfully registered with the Mithril Aggregator 2 epochs earlier).

Now that this change has been merged, the list of Signers displayed will only include the contributing Signers, which means only those who have successfully sent individual signatures.

Note that the already existing Certificates will not be updated as this would break the Certificate Chain and therefore would involve the bootstraping of a new Genesis Certificate.

This change is transparent to the Signer nodes runned by the SPOs and does not require any specific action from them.

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.

Genesis Certificate support added

· 2 min read
Mithril Team

Update: The PR has been merged and the feature is being deployed on the GCP Mithril Aggregator.

This afternoon, we plan to merge the PR that activates the Genesis Certificate feature on the GCP Mithril Aggregator

PR: Implement Real Genesis Certificate #438

Issue: Bootstrap Certificate Chain w/ Genesis Certificate #364

This will involve some manual operations that will prevent temporarily the service to be running:

  • We will have to reset the stores of the Snapshots and Certificates. This means that the Mithril Explorer will display a No snapshot available message.

  • The Mithril Signers will have to wait until the next epoch #30 to be able to sign. This means that we should see the first available Snapshot 1 hour after the epoch transition.

The SPOs that are currently running a Mithril Signer will have to recompile their node in order ot take advantage of the latest improvements (such as the registration of the nodes that will take few minutes instead of few hours). However, the previously compiled node will be able to contribute to signatures.

In order to restore a Mithril Snapshot, a Mithril Client will now need access to the Genesis Verification Key by adding an environment variable when running: GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$(wget -q -O -

Feel free to reach out to us on the Discord channel for questions and/or help.