Mithril aggregator node
Mithril aggregator is responsible for collecting individual signatures from the Mithril signers and aggregating them into a multi-signature. With this capability, the Mithril aggregator can provide certified snapshots of the Cardano blockchain.
For more information about the Mithril network, please see the architecture overview
For more information about the Mithril aggregator, please see the aggregator node overview.
The Mithril network configurations are available in the Network configurations section of the user manual.
Node | Source repository | Rust documentation | Docker packages | REST API | Network configurations |
Mithril aggregator | βοΈ | βοΈ | βοΈ | βοΈ | βοΈ |
Install the latest stable version of the correctly configured Rust toolchain
Install build tools
; for example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, runsudo apt install build-essential m4
Install OpenSSL development libraries; for example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run
apt install libssl-dev
Download the source fileβ
Download the source file from GitHub (HTTPS):
git clone
Or (SSH):
git clone
Switch to the desired branch/tag:
# Replace **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG** with the appropriate branch or tag name
# Please refer to the [**Network configurations**]( section of the user manual
git checkout **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG**
Change the directory:
cd mithril/mithril-aggregator
Development testing and buildingβ
Run tests:
make test
Create the help menu:
make help
Generate the Rust documentation:
make doc
To run in debug mode with the default configuration, use the following command:
make debug
Release the build and run the binary 'serve' commandβ
To build and run in release mode with the default configuration:
make run
Or, build only in release mode:
make build
Display the help menu:
./mithril-aggregator --help
You should see:
Mithril aggregator Node
Usage: mithril-aggregator [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
genesis Genesis tools
era Era tools
serve Server runtime mode
tools List of tools to upkeep the aggregator
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-r, --run-mode <RUN_MODE>
Run Mode [default: dev]
-v, --verbose...
Verbosity level
--db-directory <DB_DIRECTORY>
Directory of the Cardano node files
--config-directory <CONFIG_DIRECTORY>
Directory where the configuration file is located [default: ./config]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Run the 'serve' command in release mode with the default configuration:
./mithril-aggregator serve
Run the 'serve' command in release with a specific mode:
./mithril-aggregator -r preview serve
Run the 'serve' command in release mode with a custom configuration using environment variables:
Release the build and run the binary 'genesis' commandβ
Build in release mode with the default configuration:
make build
Display the help menu:
./mithril-aggregator genesis --help
You should see:
The aggregator runs in Genesis tools mode
mithril-aggregator genesis <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
bootstrap Bootstrap a genesis certificate test-only usage
export Export payload to sign with genesis secret key
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
import Import payload signed with genesis secret key and create & import a genesis certificate
Bootstrap sub-command (test-only)β
You can run the 'genesis bootstrap' command in release mode with the default configuration, but only in test mode. This will enable the Mithril aggregator node to bootstrap a genesis certificate
. After completing this operation, the Mithril aggregator will be able to produce new snapshots and certificates.
./mithril-aggregator genesis bootstrap
You can use a specific genesis secret key
(only in test mode):
./mithril-aggregator genesis bootstrap --genesis-secret-key **YOUR_SECRET_KEY*
Export sub-commandβ
You can run the 'genesis export' command in release mode. This allows the Mithril aggregator node to export the genesis payload
that needs to be signed (and later reimported) for the genesis certificate
. The signature of the genesis payload
must be done manually by the owner of the genesis secret key
./mithril-aggregator genesis export --target-path **YOUR_TARGET_PATH**
Sign sub-commandβ
You can run the 'genesis sign' command in release mode. This allows the Mithril aggregator node to sign the genesis payload
that needs to be reimported. The signature of the genesis payload
must be done manually by the owner of the genesis secret key
./mithril-aggregator genesis sign --to-sign-payload-path **TO_SIGN_PAYLOAD_PATH** --target-signed-payload-path **TARGET_SIGNED_PAYLOAD_PATH** --genesis-secret-key-path **GENESIS_SECRET_KEY_PATH**
Import sub-commandβ
Run the 'genesis import' command in release mode. This allows the aggregator node to import the signed payload of the genesis certificate
and store it. After this operation, the aggregator will be able to produce new snapshots and certificates.
./mithril-aggregator genesis import --signed-payload-path **YOUR_SIGNED_PAYLOAD_PATH**
Run the 'genesis import' command in release mode with a custom configuration using environment variables:
Release the build and run the binary 'era' commandβ
Build in release mode using the default configuration:
make build
Display the help menu:
./mithril-aggregator era --help
You should see:
Era tools
Usage: mithril-aggregator era <COMMAND>
list Era list command
generate-tx-datum Era tx datum generate command
generate-keypair Era keypair generation command
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
Run the 'era list' command to list the supported eras embedded in the binary:
./mithril-aggregator era list
You should see something like:
Supported Eras:
To display results in JSON
format for the list
command, simply use the --json
./mithril-aggregator era list --json
You should see something like:
You can run 'era generate-tx-datum' to create the transaction datum file that will be stored on the Cardano chain, providing era markers to the 'cardano-chain' era reader adapter.
Case 1: If there is only one supported era in the code, create the datum file:
./mithril-aggregator era generate-tx-datum --current-era-epoch **EPOCH_AT_WHICH_CURRENT_ERA_STARTS** --era-markers-secret-key **YOUR_ERA_ACTIVATION_SECRET_KEY** --target-path **TARGET_PATH**
You should see something like:
Case 2: If there are two supported eras in the code and the activation epoch of the upcoming era is not yet known, run the command:
./mithril-aggregator era generate-tx-datum --current-era-epoch **EPOCH_AT_WHICH_CURRENT_ERA_STARTS** --era-markers-secret-key **YOUR_ERA_ACTIVATION_SECRET_KEY** --target-path **TARGET_PATH**
Case 3: If there are two supported eras in the code and the activation epoch of the era switch is known to be at the following epoch, run the command:
./mithril-aggregator era generate-tx-datum --current-era-epoch **EPOCH_AT_WHICH_CURRENT_ERA_STARTS** --next-era-epoch **EPOCH_AT_WHICH_NEXT_ERA_STARTS** --era-markers-secret-key **YOUR_ERA_ACTIVATION_SECRET_KEY** --target-path **TARGET_PATH**
Release the build and run the binary 'tools' commandβ
Build in release mode using the default configuration:
make build
Display the help menu:
./mithril-aggregator tools --help
You should see:
List of tools to upkeep the aggregator
Usage: mithril-aggregator tools <COMMAND>
recompute-certificates-hash Load all certificates in the database to recompute their hash and update all related entities
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
Run the 'tools recompute-certificates-hash' command in release mode with the default configuration. This allows the Mithril aggregator node to recompute all of its certificate hashes, which is useful to avoid a chain re-genesis after an update that changes the structure of the certificates.
./mithril-aggregator tools recompute-certificates-hash
If you wish to delve deeper and access several levels of logs from the Mithril aggregator, use the following:
- Add
for some logs (WARN) - Add
for more logs (INFO) - Add
for even more logs (DEBUG) - Add
for all logs (TRACE).
Download the pre-built binaryβ
You can install a the latest released binary of the mithril-aggregator by running this one line command (replace YOUR_PATH with your installation path):
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf
| sh -s -- -c mithril-aggregator -d latest -p YOUR_PATH
You can also install the mithril-aggregator binary for other distributions:
- use
-d unstable
for the unstable version - use
for a specific distribution (e.g.-d 2445.0
The Linux binaries target glibc
, and have a minimum requirement of glibc 2.31
(compatible with Ubuntu 20.04
or Debian Bullseye
From March 2025 onwards, released Linux binaries will have their minimum required glibc
version raised to 2.35
(compatible with Ubuntu 22.04
or Debian 12 - Bookworm
If you are using a system with an older version of glibc
, you will need to compile the binaries from source.
Build and run the Docker containerβ
Build a local Docker image:
make docker-build
Run a local Docker container:
make docker-run
Here are the available subcommands:
Subcommand | Performed action |
serve | The aggregator runs its HTTP server in nominal mode and orchestrates multi-signature production |
help | Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) |
genesis export | Exports genesis payload to sign with genesis secret key |
genesis sign | Signs the genesis payload with the genesis secret key |
genesis import | Imports the genesis signature (the payload signed with the genesis secret key) and creates and imports a genesis certificate in the store |
genesis bootstrap | Bootstraps a genesis certificate (test only usage) |
genesis generate-keypair | Generates a genesis keypair |
era list | Lists the supported eras |
era generate-tx-datum | Generates the era markers transaction datum to be stored on-chain |
era generate-keypair | Generates an era keypair |
tools recompute-certificates-hash | Loads all certificates in the database, recomputing their hash, and updating all related entities |
Configuration parametersβ
The configuration parameters can be set in either of the following ways:
In a configuration file, depending on the
parameter. If the runtime mode istestnet
, the file is located in./conf/testnet.json
. -
The value can be overridden by an environment variable with the parameter name in uppercase.
Here is a list of the available parameters:
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
cardano_cli_path | - | - | CARDANO_CLI_PATH | Cardano CLI tool path | - | cardano-cli | βοΈ |
cardano_node_socket_path | - | - | CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH | Path of the socket used by the Cardano CLI tool to communicate with the Cardano node | - | /tmp/cardano.sock | βοΈ |
config_directory | --config-directory | - | - | Directory of the configuration file | ./config | - | - |
data_stores_directory | - | - | data_stores_directory | Directory to store aggregator data (certificates, snapshots, protocol parameters, ...) | - | ./mithril-aggregator/stores | βοΈ |
db_directory | --db-directory | - | DB_DIRECTORY | Directory of the Cardano node stores | /db | - | βοΈ |
genesis_verification_key | - | - | GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY | Genesis verification key | - | - | βοΈ |
network | - | - | NETWORK | Cardano network | - | testnet or mainnet or devnet | βοΈ |
network_magic | - | - | NETWORK_MAGIC | Cardano network magic number (for testnet and devnet ) | - | 1097911063 or 42 | - |
protocol_parameters | - | - | PROTOCOL_PARAMETERS__K , PROTOCOL_PARAMETERS__M , and PROTOCOL_PARAMETERS__PHI_F | Mithril protocol parameters | - | { k: 5, m: 100, phi_f: 0.65 } | βοΈ |
run_mode | --run-mode | -r | RUN_MODE | Runtime mode | dev | - | βοΈ |
store_retention_limit | - | - | STORE_RETENTION_LIMIT | Maximum number of records in stores. If not set, no limit is set. | - | - | - |
verbose | --verbose | -v | VERBOSE | Verbosity level | - | Parsed from the number of occurrences: -v for Warning , -vv for Info , -vvv for Debug and -vvvv for Trace | βοΈ |
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
server_ip | --server-ip | - | SERVER_IP | Listening server IP | | - | βοΈ |
server_port | --server-port | - | SERVER_PORT | Listening server port | 8080 | - | βοΈ |
public_server_url | - | - | PUBLIC_SERVER_URL | Public URL of the aggregator | - | | - |
snapshot_directory | --snapshot-directory | - | SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY | Directory to store local snapshots of the Cardano node | . | - | βοΈ |
snapshot_store_type | - | - | SNAPSHOT_STORE_TYPE | Type of snapshot store to use | - | gcp or local | βοΈ |
snapshot_uploader_type | - | - | SNAPSHOT_UPLOADER_TYPE | Type of snapshot uploader to use | - | gcp or local | βοΈ |
snapshot_bucket_name | - | - | SNAPSHOT_BUCKET_NAME | Name of the bucket where the snapshots are stored | - | snapshot-bucket | Required if snapshot_uploader_type is gcp |
snapshot_use_cdn_domain | - | - | SNAPSHOT_USE_CDN_DOMAIN | Use CDN domain for constructing snapshot url | false | - | To be used if snapshot_uploader_type is gcp |
run_interval | - | - | RUN_INTERVAL | Interval between two runtime cycles in ms | - | 60000 | βοΈ |
chain_observer_type | --chain-observer-type | - | CHAIN_OBSERVER_TYPE | Chain observer type that can be cardano-cli , pallas or fake . | pallas | - | - |
era_reader_adapter_type | --era-reader-adapter-type | - | ERA_READER_ADAPTER_TYPE | Era reader adapter type that can be cardano-chain , file or bootstrap . | bootstrap | - | - |
era_reader_adapter_params | --era-reader-adapter-params | - | ERA_READER_ADAPTER_PARAMS | Era reader adapter params that is an optional JSON encoded parameters structure that is expected depending on the era_reader_adapter_type parameter | - | - | - |
signed_entity_types | --signed-entity-types | - | SIGNED_ENTITY_TYPES | Signed entity types parameters (discriminants names in an ordered comma separated list) | - | MithrilStakeDistribution,CardanoImmutableFilesFull,CardanoStakeDistribution | - |
snapshot_compression_algorithm | --snapshot-compression-algorithm | - | SNAPSHOT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM | Compression algorithm of the snapshot archive | zstandard | gzip or zstandard | - |
zstandard_parameters | - | - | ZSTANDARD_PARAMETERS__LEVEL and ZSTANDARD_PARAMETERS__NUMBER_OF_WORKERS | Zstandard specific parameters | - | { level: 9, number_of_workers: 4 } | - |
allow_unparsable_block | --allow-unparsable-block | - | ALLOW_UNPARSABLE_BLOCK | If set no error is returned in case of unparsable block and an error log is written instead. Will be ignored on (pre)production networks. | false | - | - |
cardano_transactions_signing_config | - | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_SIGNING_CONFIG__SECURITY_PARAMETER and CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_SIGNING_CONFIG__STEP | Cardano transactions signing configuration | - | { security_parameter: 3000, step: 120 } | - |
cardano_transactions_prover_cache_pool_size | --cardano-transactions-prover-cache-pool-size | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_PROVER_CACHE_POOL_SIZE | Cardano transactions prover cache pool size | 10 | 10 | - |
cardano_transactions_database_connection_pool_size | --cardano-transactions-database-connection-pool-size | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_DATABASE_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE | Cardano transactions database connection pool size | 10 | 10 | - |
cardano_transactions_prover_max_hashes_allowed_by_request | --cardano-transactions-prover-max-hashes-allowed-by-request | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_PROVER_MAX_HASHES_ALLOWED_BY_REQUEST | Maximum number of transactions hashes allowed by request to the prover of the Cardano transactions | 100 | 100 | - |
cardano_transactions_block_streamer_max_roll_forwards_per_poll | --cardano-transactions-block-streamer-max-roll-forwards-per-poll | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_BLOCK_STREAMER_MAX_ROLL_FORWARDS_PER_POLL | Maximum number of roll forwards during a poll of the block streamer when importing transactions | 1000 | 1000 | - |
cardano_transactions_signing_config | --cardano-transactions-signing-config | - | CARDANO_TRANSACTIONS_SIGNING_CONFIG | Cardano transactions signing configuration | { "security_parameter": 3000, "step": 120 } | { "security_parameter": 3000, "step": 120 } | - |
enable_metrics_server | --enable-metrics-server | - | ENABLE_METRICS_SERVER | Enable metrics HTTP server (Prometheus endpoint on /metrics) | false | - | - |
metrics_server_ip | --metrics-server-ip | - | METRICS_SERVER_IP | Metrics HTTP server IP | | - | - |
metrics_server_port | --metrics-server-port | - | METRICS_SERVER_PORT | Metrics HTTP server listening port | 9090 | - | - |
persist_usage_report_interval_in_seconds | - | PERSIST_USAGE_REPORT_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS | Duration in seconds between two recording of usage metrics | 10 | 5 | - |
genesis bootstrap
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
genesis_secret_key | - | - | GENESIS_SECRET_KEY | Genesis secret key, β οΈ for test only | - | - | - |
genesis export
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
target_path | --target-path | - | - | Path of the file to export the payload to. | - | - | - |
genesis import
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
signed_payload_path | --signed-payload-path | - | - | Path of the payload to import. | - | - | - |
genesis sign
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
to_sign_payload_path | --to-sign-payload-path | - | - | Path of the payload to sign. | - | - | - |
target_signed_payload_path | --target-signed-payload-path | - | - | Path of the signed payload to export. | - | - | - |
genesis_secret_key_path | --genesis-secret-key-path | - | - | Path of the genesis secret key. | - | - | - |
genesis generate-keypair
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
target_path | --target-path | - | - | Target path for the generated keypair | - | - | βοΈ |
era list
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
json | --json | - | - | Export the supported era list to JSON format. | - | - | - |
era generate-tx-datum
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
current_era_epoch | --current-era-epoch | - | CURRENT_ERA_EPOCH | Epoch at which current era starts. | - | - | βοΈ |
next_era_epoch | --next-era-epoch | - | NEXT_ERA_EPOCH | Epoch at which the next era starts. If not specified and an upcoming era is available, it will announce the next era. If specified, it must be strictly greater than current-epoch-era | - | - | - |
era_markers_secret_key | --era-markers-secret-key | - | ERA_MARKERS_SECRET_KEY | Era markers secret key that is used to verify the authenticity of the era markers on the chain. | - | - | βοΈ |
target_path | --target-path | - | - | Path of the file to export the payload to. | - | - | - |
era generate-keypair
Parameter | Command line (long) | Command line (short) | Environment variable | Description | Default value | Example | Mandatory |
target_path | --target-path | - | - | Target path for the generated keypair | - | - | βοΈ |
The tools recompute-certificates-hash
command has no dedicated parameters.