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Version: Current

API references


This page compiles the external developer documentation available for Mithril, intended exclusively for a technical audience.


To learn more about the Mithril protocol, please refer to the about Mithril section.

List of dependencies

DependencyDescriptionSource repositoryRust documentationPublishedREST API
Mithril STMThe core library that implements the cryptographic engine for the Mithril protocol.↗️↗️crates ↗️-
Mithril aggregatorThe node within the Mithril network responsible for collecting individual signatures from the Mithril signers and aggregating them into a multi-signature. This capability enables the Mithril aggregator to provide certified snapshots of the Cardano blockchain.↗️↗️-↗️
Mithril clientThe library that can be used by developers to interact with Mithril certified data in their applications.↗️↗️crates ↗️-
Mithril client CLIThe node within the Mithril network responsible for restoring the Cardano blockchain on an empty node from a certified snapshot.↗️↗️--
Mithril client wasmThe WASM compatible library used for retrieving the certified artifacts produced by the Mithril network.↗️-npm ↗️-
Mithril signerThe node responsible for producing individual signatures that are collected and aggregated by the Mithril aggregator.↗️↗️--
Mithril commonThe common library used by Mithril network nodes.↗️↗️crates ↗️-
Mithril build scriptA toolbox for Mithril crates using a build scripts phase.↗️↗️crates ↗️-
Mithril docAn API that generates markdown documentation for a crate command lines arguments.↗️↗️--
Mithril doc deriveA macro implementation used by Mithril doc.↗️↗️--
Mithril persistenceThe persistence library used by Mithril network nodes.↗️↗️--
Mithril devnetThe private Mithril/Cardano network used to create a Mithril network on top of a private Cardano network.↗️---
Mithril end to endThe tool used to run test scenarios against a Mithril devnet.↗️---
Mithril explorerThe explorer website that connects to a Mithril aggregator and displays its certificate chain.↗️---
Protocol simulationA simple CLI that helps understand how the Mithril protocol works and the role of its protocol parameters.↗️---