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Version: Current

Mithril client node


Mithril client is responsible for restoring the Cardano blockchain on an empty node from a certified snapshot.


The Mithril network configurations are available in the Network configurations section of the user manual.


NodeSource repositoryRust documentationDocker packagesNetwork configurations
Mithril client CLI↗️↗️↗️↗️


  • Install the latest stable version of the correctly configured Rust toolchain

  • Install build tools build-essential and m4; for example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run sudo apt install build-essential m4

  • Install OpenSSL development libraries; for example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run apt install libssl-dev.

Download the source file​

Download the source file from GitHub (HTTPS):

git clone

Or (SSH):

git clone

Switch to the desired branch/tag:

# Replace **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG** with the appropriate branch or tag name
# Please refer to the [**Network configurations**]( section of the user manual
git checkout **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG**

Change the directory:

cd mithril/mithril-client-cli

Development testing and building​

Run tests:

make test

Create the help menu:

make help

Generate the Rust documentation:

make doc

Run in debug mode with the default configuration:

make debug

Building for release and running the binary​

Build and run in release mode with the default configuration:

make run

Or, build only in release mode:

make build

Display the help menu:

./mithril-client --help

You should see:

This program shows, downloads and verifies certified blockchain artifacts.

Usage: mithril-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

cardano-db Cardano db management (alias: cdb)
mithril-stake-distribution Mithril stake distribution management (alias: msd)
cardano-transaction Cardano transactions management (alias: ctx)
cardano-stake-distribution Cardano stake distribution management (alias: csd)
cardano-db-v2 [unstable] Cardano db v2 management (alias: cdbv2)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--run-mode <RUN_MODE>
Run Mode [env: RUN_MODE=] [default: dev]
-v, --verbose...
Verbosity level (-v=warning, -vv=info, -vvv=debug)
--config-directory <CONFIG_DIRECTORY>
Directory where configuration file is located [default: ./config]
--aggregator-endpoint <AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT>
Override configuration Aggregator endpoint URL [env: AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=]
Enable JSON output for logs displayed according to verbosity level
--log-output <LOG_OUTPUT>
Redirect the logs to a file
Enable unstable commands
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version

Run in release mode with the default configuration:


Run in release mode with a specific mode:

./mithril-client --run-mode preview

Run in release mode with a custom configuration using environment variables:


To display results in JSON format for the list and show commands, simply use the --json (or -j) option:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list --json

If you wish to delve deeper and access several levels of logs from the Mithril client, use the following:

  • Add -v for some logs (WARN)
  • Add -vv for more logs (INFO)
  • Add -vvv for even more logs (DEBUG)
  • Add -vvvv for all logs (TRACE).

Download the pre-built binary​

You can install a the latest released binary of the mithril-client by running this one line command (replace YOUR_PATH with your installation path):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-client -d latest -p YOUR_PATH


You can also install the mithril-client binary for other distributions:

  • use -d unstable for the unstable version
  • use -d **DISTRIBUTION_VERSION** for a specific distribution (e.g. -d 2445.0)

The Linux binaries target glibc, and have a minimum requirement of glibc 2.35 (compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12 - Bookworm).

Run a Docker container​

Registry image​

A list of available images on the registry can be found here.

To prepare the environment variables, retrieve the values from the Mithril networks section.

export SNAPSHOT_DIGEST=latest

Here is an example configuration for the release-preprod network and the latest stable Docker image:

export MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID=latest
export GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$(wget -q -O -
export SNAPSHOT_DIGEST=latest

Proceed by creating a shell function for the Mithril client:

mithril_client () {
docker run --rm -e GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY -e AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=$AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT --name='mithril-client' -v $(pwd):/app/data -u $(id -u)$MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID $@

Now you can use the mithril_client functions:

# 1- Help
mithril_client help

# 2- List Cardano db snapshots
mithril_client cardano-db snapshot list

# 3- Show detailed information about a Cardano db snapshot
mithril_client cardano-db snapshot show $CARDANO_DB_DIGEST

# 4- Download the given Cardano db and verify the certificate
mithril_client cardano-db download $CARDANO_DB_DIGEST

# 5- List Mithril stake distributions
mithril_client mithril-stake-distribution list

# 6- Download and verify the given Mithril stake distribution
mithril_client mithril-stake-distribution download $MITHRIL_STAKE_DISTRIBUTION_ARTIFACT_HASH

# 7- List Cardano transaction snapshots
mithril_client cardano-transaction snapshot list

# 8- Show detailed information about a Cardano transaction snapshot
mithril_client cardano-transaction snapshot show $CARDANO_TRANSACTION_SNAPSHOT_HASH

# 9- Certify that the given list of transactions hashes are included in the Cardano transactions set
mithril_client cardano-transaction certify $TRANSACTION_HASH_1,$TRANSACTION_HASH_2

# 10- List Cardano stake distributions
mithril_client cardano-stake-distribution list

# 11 - Download and verify the given Cardano stake distribution from its hash or epoch
mithril_client cardano-stake-distribution download $UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER

Local image​

Build a local Docker image:

make docker-build

Run a local Docker container:

make docker-run


Here are the subcommands available:

Cardano DB​

SubcommandPerformed action
downloadDownloads and restores a cardano-db snapshot
helpPrints this message or the help for the given subcommand(s)
snapshot listLists available cardano-db snapshots
snapshot showShows information about a cardano-db snapshot

Mithril stake distribution​

SubcommandPerformed action
downloadDownloads and verifies Mithril stake distribution
helpPrints this message or the help for the given subcommand(s)
listLists available Mithril stake distributions

Cardano transactions​

SubcommandPerformed action
certifyCertifies that given list of transactions hashes are included in the Cardano transactions set
snapshot listLists available Cardano transactions snapshots
snapshot showShows information about a Cardano transactions snapshot
helpPrints this message or the help for the given subcommand(s)

Cardano stake distribution​

SubcommandPerformed action
downloadDownloads and verifies Cardano stake distribution
helpPrints this message or the help for the given subcommand(s)
listLists available Cardano stake distributions

Cardano DB V2 (unstable, will replace Cardano DB in the future)​

SubcommandPerformed action
downloadDownloads and restores a cardano-db v2 snapshot
helpPrints this message or the help for the given subcommand(s)
snapshot listLists available cardano-db v2 snapshots
snapshot showShows information about a cardano-db v2 snapshot

Configuration parameters​

The configuration parameters can be set in either of the following ways:

  1. In a configuration file, depending on the --run-mode parameter. If the runtime mode is testnet, the file is located in ./conf/testnet.json.

  2. The value can be overridden by an environment variable with the parameter name in uppercase.

Here is a list of the available parameters:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
verbose--verbose-vVERBOSEVerbosity level-Parsed from the number of occurrences: -v for Warning, -vv for Info, -vvv for Debug and -vvvv for Traceβœ”οΈ
unstable--unstable--Enable unstable commands---
run_mode--run-mode-RUN_MODERuntime modedev-βœ”οΈ
aggregator_endpoint--aggregator-endpoint-AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINTAggregator node endpoint-βœ”οΈ
genesis_verification_key--GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEYGenesis verification key--βœ”οΈ
log_format_json--log-format-json--Enable JSON output for logs---
log_output--log-output-o-Redirect the logs to a file-./mithril-client.log-

cardano-db snapshot show command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
digest--digest-DIGESTCardano DB digest or latest for the latest digest--βœ”οΈ
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-db snapshot list command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-db download command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
digest--digest-DIGESTCardano DB digest or latest for the latest digest--βœ”οΈ
download_dir--download-dir--Directory where the Cardano DB will be downloaded.--
json--json--Enable JSON output for progress logs---

mithril-stake-distribution list command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

mithril-stake-distribution download command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
artifact_hash--artifact-hash--Hash of the Mithril stake distribution artifact or latest for the latest artifact--βœ”οΈ
download_dir--download-dir--Directory where the Mithril stake distribution will be downloaded.--

cardano-transaction snapshot show command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
hash--hash-HASHCardano transaction snapshot hash or latest for the latest Cardano transaction snapshot--βœ”οΈ
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-transaction snapshot list command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-transaction certify command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
transactions_hashes--transactions_hashes-TRANSACTIONS_HASHESCardano transactions hashes separated by commas--βœ”οΈ
json--json--Enable JSON output for progress logs---

cardano-stake-distribution list command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-stake-distribution download command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
unique_identifier--unique-identifier--Epoch or hash of the Cardano stake distribution artifact or latest for the latest artifact--βœ”οΈ
download_dir--download-dir--Directory where the Cardano stake distribution will be downloaded.--

cardano-db-v2 snapshot show command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
hash--hash--Cardano DB snapshot hash or latest for the latest hash--βœ”οΈ
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-db-v2 snapshot list command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
json--json--Enable JSON output for command results---

cardano-db-v2 download command:

ParameterCommand line (long)Command line (short)Environment variableDescriptionDefault valueExampleMandatory
hash--hash--Cardano DB snapshot hash or latest for the latest hash--βœ”οΈ
start--start--The first immutable file number to download.--
end--end--The last immutable file number to download.--
include_ancillary--include-ancillary--Include ancillary files in the download.--
allow_override--allow-override--Allow existing files in the download directory to be overridde.--
download_dir--download-dir--Directory where the Cardano DB will be downloaded.--
json--json--Enable JSON output for progress logs---