📄️ Mithril aggregator node
Mithril aggregator is responsible for collecting individual signatures from the Mithril signers and aggregating them into a multi-signature. With this capability, the Mithril aggregator can provide certified snapshots of the Cardano blockchain.
📄️ Mithril signer node
Mithril signer is responsible for producing individual signatures that are collected and aggregated by the Mithril aggregator.
📄️ Mithril client node
Mithril client is responsible for restoring the Cardano blockchain on an empty node from a certified snapshot.
📄️ Mithril client library
Mithril client library can be used by Rust developers to use the Mithril network in their applications.
📄️ Mithril client library WASM
Mithril client library WASM can be used by Javascript developers to use the Mithril network in their web applications.