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Bootstrap a Cardano node


With the Mithril client connected to a Mithril aggregator, you can restore a full Cardano node on the mainnet in less than 20 minutes!

Set up the environment

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Install a correctly configured Rust toolchain: make sure you have the latest stable version of Rust installed.

  2. Install build tools build-essential and m4: on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run sudo apt install build-essential m4.

  3. Install OpenSSL development libraries: on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run the following command to install the required OpenSSL development libraries:

sudo apt install libssl-dev
  1. Install other requirements: make sure you have all the additional dependencies and requirements specified for the project:
sudo apt-get install make build-essential m4 docker jq

Download the source file

You can download the source file from GitHub (HTTPS):

git clone

Or (SSH):

git clone

Build the Mithril client binary

To build the Mithril client binary, switch to the desired branch/tag:

# Replace **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG** with the appropriate branch or tag name
# Please refer to the [**Network configurations**]( section of the user manual
git checkout **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG**

Change the directory:

cd mithril/mithril-client-cli

Run tests (optional):

make test

Build the executable:

make build

Verify the binary

Verify the version

To check if the version of the Mithril signer binary is correct, use the following command:

./mithril-client -V

You should see something like:

mithril-client 0.7.6

⚠️ Verify that the version displayed corresponds to the version specified in the content of the release/pre-release notes (refer to the Build from column in the 'Mithril networks' section).

Verify the build

To verify that the Mithril client binary is functioning correctly, run the following command to display its help menu:

./mithril-client -h

You should see:

This program shows, downloads, and verifies certified blockchain artifacts.

Usage: mithril-client [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

cardano-db Cardano db management (alias: cdb)
mithril-stake-distribution Mithril stake distribution management (alias: msd)
cardano-transaction Cardano transactions management (alias: ctx)
cardano-stake-distribution Cardano stake distribution management (alias: csd)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--run-mode <RUN_MODE>
Run Mode [env: RUN_MODE=] [default: dev]
-v, --verbose...
Verbosity level (-v=warning, -vv=info, -vvv=debug)
--config-directory <CONFIG_DIRECTORY>
Directory where the configuration file is located [default: ./config]
--aggregator-endpoint <AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT>
Override configuration aggregator endpoint URL [env: AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=]
Enable JSON output for logs displayed according to verbosity level
--log-output <LOG_OUTPUT>
Redirect the logs to a file
Enable unstable commands
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version

To display results in JSON format for the list and show commands of the Mithril client, you can use the --json option:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list --json

If you wish to delve deeper and access several levels of logs from the Mithril client, you can use the following:

  • Add -v for some logs (WARN)
  • Add -vv for more logs (INFO)
  • Add -vvv for even more logs (DEBUG)
  • Add -vvvv for all logs (TRACE).

Download the pre-built binary

You can install a the latest released binary of the mithril-client by running this one line command (replace YOUR_PATH with your installation path):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -c mithril-client -d latest -p YOUR_PATH


You can also install the mithril-client binary for other distributions:

  • use -d unstable for the unstable version
  • use -d **DISTRIBUTION_VERSION** for a specific distribution (e.g. -d 2445.0)

The Linux binaries target glibc, and have a minimum requirement of glibc 2.35 (compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12 - Bookworm).

Run the Docker container

The list of available images on the registry is listed here.

Prepare an environment variable with the selected Docker image:


Here is an example configuration for the latest stable Docker image:

export MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID=latest

Then, create a shell function for the Mithril client:

mithril_client () {
docker run --rm -e GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY -e AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT=$AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT --name='mithril-client' -v $(pwd):/app/data -u $(id -u)$MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID $@

You can now use the mithril_client function:

# 1- Help
mithril_client help

# 2- List snapshots
mithril_client cardano-db snapshot list

In the following part of the document, you will need to replace the ./mithril-client commands with mithril_client to use the above shell function.

MSYS2 Windows build

To build the mithril-client executable on MSYS2 (see MSYS2's webpage for installation instructions), the following packages have to be installed:

pacman --noconfirm -S base-devel mingw-w64-<env>-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-<env>-x86_64-openssl

Where env has to be replaced with your particular environment of choice, for example, ucrt if running in the UCRT64 environment. Use pacman -Ss <package name> to search for packages if unsure.


If you encounter the following error:

    This perl implementation doesn't produce Unix like paths (with forward slash
directory separators). Please use an implementation that matches your
building platform.

make sure that the perl in /usr/bin/perl.exe (from the perl package) comes before the perl in /<env>/bin/perl.exe (from the mingw-w64-<env>-x86_64-perl package).

From here, you have to run the rustup-init.exe binary from rustup and follow along these steps:

Rust Visual C++ prerequisites

Rust requires a linker and Windows API libraries, but they don't seem to be

These components can be acquired through a Visual Studio installer.

1) Quick install via the Visual Studio Community installer
(free for individuals, academic uses, and open source).

2) Manually install the prerequisites
(for enterprise and advanced users).

3) Don't install the prerequisites
(if you're targeting the GNU ABI).


Welcome to Rust!

This will download and install the official compiler for the Rust
programming language, and its package manager, Cargo.

Rustup metadata and toolchains will be installed into the Rustup
home directory, located at:


This can be modified with the RUSTUP_HOME environment variable.

The Cargo home directory is located at:


This can be modified with the CARGO_HOME environment variable.

The cargo, rustc, rustup and other commands will be added to
Cargo's bin directory, located at:


This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by
modifying the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment/PATH registry key.

You can uninstall at any time with rustup self uninstall and
these changes will be reverted.

Current installation options:

default host triple: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
default toolchain: stable (default)
profile: default
modify PATH variable: yes

1) Proceed with standard installation (default - just press enter)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation

I'm going to ask you about the value of each of these installation options.
You may simply press the Enter key to leave unchanged.

Default host triple? [x86_64-pc-windows-msvc]

Default toolchain? (stable/beta/nightly/none) [stable]

Profile (which tools and data to install)? (minimal/default/complete) [default]

Modify PATH variable? (Y/n)

Current installation options:

default host triple: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
default toolchain: stable
profile: default
modify PATH variable: yes

1) Proceed with selected options (default - just press enter)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation

Once the Rust toolchain is installed, one can build the executable normally:

cd mithril-client-cli
make build

This will produce a binary mithril-client.exe on the current directory. It can be invoked the same way as in Linux, with ./mithril-client.

Bootstrap a Cardano node from a testnet Mithril Cardano DB snapshot

Step 1: Prepare some useful variables

# Cardano network

# Aggregator API endpoint URL

# Genesis verification key

# Digest of the latest produced cardano db snapshot for convenience of the demo
# You can also modify this variable and set it to the value of the digest of a snapshot that you can retrieve at step 2
export SNAPSHOT_DIGEST=latest

In the following commands, we will use the following environment variables:

# Cardano network
export CARDANO_NETWORK=preview

# Aggregator API endpoint URL

# Genesis verification key
export GENESIS_VERIFICATION_KEY=$(wget -q -O -

# Digest of the latest produced cardano db snapshot for convenience of the demo
export SNAPSHOT_DIGEST=latest

Step 2: Select a Cardano DB snapshot

List the available Cardano db snapshots with which you can bootstrap a Cardano node:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot list

You will see a list of snapshots:

| Epoch | Immutable | Network | Digest | Size | Locations | Created |
| 539 | 10787 | preview | db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667 | 2323485648 | 1 | 2024-04-16 12:56:22.170174972 UTC |
| 539 | 10786 | preview | 6af5dac31e7697c4481426712742f4d6391aea0a5b1df145e08e9eaa105af4a5 | 2323875790 | 1 | 2024-04-16 11:44:25.583804349 UTC |
| 539 | 10785 | preview | 39770647f027a214ac955668dffe4d6d51b9cf67798041de1b003b21ef2208da | 2323295044 | 1 | 2024-04-16 10:31:26.056746652 UTC |
| 539 | 10784 | preview | 9ce64187cb6af25266563e039e8d15962d281482979df94e3ac5c5ca6a914eea | 2323079205 | 1 | 2024-04-16 09:08:14.605224999 UTC |
| | | | | | | |


If you restore a Cardano node with a version not included in the advertised range of compatible versions, it may take extra time due to ledger computations or even crash the node.

Step 3: Show Cardano DB snapshot details

To get more details from a specific snapshot (optional), run:

./mithril-client cardano-db snapshot show $SNAPSHOT_DIGEST

You will see more information about the snapshot:

| Epoch | 539 |
| Immutable File Number | 10787 |
| Network | preview |
| Digest | db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667 |
| Size | 2323485648 |
| Cardano node version | 10.1.4 |
| Location | |
| Created | 2024-04-16 12:56:22.170174972 UTC |
| Compression Algorithm | Zstandard |

Step 4: Download the selected Cardano DB snapshot

To download the selected snapshot from the remote location to your remote location, run:

./mithril-client cardano-db download $SNAPSHOT_DIGEST

You will see that the selected snapshot archive has been downloaded locally unpacked and that the associated certificate is valid:

1/5 - Checking local disk info…
2/5 - Fetching the certificate and verifying the certificate chain…
3/5 - Downloading and unpacking the cardano db
4/5 - Computing the cardano db message
5/5 - Verifying the cardano db signature…
Cardano db 'db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667' has been unpacked and successfully checked against Mithril multi-signature contained in the certificate.

Files in the directory '/home/mithril/data/testnet/db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667/db' can be used to run a Cardano node with version >= 10.1.4.

If you are using a Cardano Docker image, you can restore a Cardano node with:

docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data --mount type=bind,source="/home/mithril/data/testnet/db5f50a060d4b813125c4263b700ecc96e5d8c8710f0430e5c80d2f0fa79b667/db",target=/data/db/ -e NETWORK=preview

Step 5: Launch a Cardano node from the restored Cardano DB snapshot

Launch an empty Cardano node and make it live in minutes!

docker run -v cardano-node-ipc:/ipc -v cardano-node-data:/data --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/data/testnet/$SNAPSHOT_DIGEST/db",target=/data/db/ -e NETWORK=$CARDANO_NETWORK

You will see the Cardano node start by validating the files ingested from the snapshot archive. Then, it will synchronize with the other network nodes and start adding blocks:

[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:53:40.06 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 7ae33b2f4bc8b84e77dfd539f0f6e7f59b293e96f62fdcfdb17cbd7a006fe5c0 at slot 63081906
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:08.30 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6b4ccd2bec5e3862b23ea0f7c2f342a3659cecdcfdaf04551179df3839be6213 at slot 63092090
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:21.36 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 6e95eb82da5a38544e6ef430a2733f6014c3c10527003b9d3bdc534f6a2ce81f at slot 63092103
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:39.04 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: a662672ec4b988022e135cb0b7e440f5fbffe8e205771d13a566a418f7021ba7 at slot 63092121
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:55:45.18 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 2a0f2e6f218a08f4e0bc4668285d8e792fd7ec62f05880bd5b2d23d6bce20dfb at slot 63092127
[c995d1df:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:322] [2022-07-10 13:56:18.05 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: ab9ef8af92ec062ec59a10da588e238ba8840705c095ebd5cd5da7ab9ea9c8e1 at slot 63092160